Microbicides for industrial reverse osmosis membrane systems.

Water Tratment

February 17, 2021

¿What is it?

It's a broad spectrum liquid microbicide used in UF systems and RO systems for non-potable and non-medical water. Highly effective in water with high concentrations of organics and compatible with low levels of free chlorine and bromine, also scale and corrosion inhibitors.

¿Do you know its advantages?


-Readily biodegradable when diluted and effective over a wide range of pH, temperature and water hardness.

-Causes immediate arrest of the growth of microorganisms when in contact with them.

-Broad spectrum activity against algae, fungi and bacteria, including Legionella pneumophila and sulfate reducing bacteria.

-Free formulation designed to be compatible with membrane antifoulants.

-Effective at low concentrations.


Learn about our different microbicide models AWC: Microbicides for membrane systems