The importance of water treatment

Water Tratment

March 24, 2021

Water treatment is increasingly necessary due to the scarcity of drinking water and the growing needs of the world's population. 

Inadequate treatment of water generated by human activities is one of the main causes of pollution of ground, river and marine waters and of the alteration and degradation of associated ecosystems. 

Water treatment consists of various chemical, biological and physical operations aimed at reducing or eliminating pollution. By purifying water, it is possible to ensure that those who drink it or use it for hygienic or culinary purposes will not run any risk of contracting diseases or infections.

The main function of wastewater treatment plants is to disinfect contaminated water in order to preserve the environment and increase the availability of this resource.

At American water solutions we have leading brands in the water treatment industry specialized in Pumps, Filtration, Reverse Osmosis (well water and sea water), Demineralization and Control and Instrumentation to improve water quality.