Seawater treatment by reverse osmosis.

Water tratament

October 5, 2022

Reverse osmosis is the most advanced desalination system in the world, the process consists of applying pressure to a salt water solution and passing it through a semi-permeable membrane whose function is to allow the solvent (water) to pass through, but not the solute (dissolved salts). 

These seawater reverse osmosis systems are immensely powerful, with the ability to purify water significantly high in TDS. 

They remove dissolved solids while splitting the feed water into purified water and rejected concentrated salts, ultimately having purified water with 99% less dissolved salts. 

Seawater desalination has become a vital alternative for the production of pure fresh water in all areas of the world without potable water. 

Desalination plants have been considered a great asset to the water industry as a reliable purification facility supplying large quantities of purified water in different industries and important sectors, such as agriculture and offshore applications, now rely on seawater desalination plants for their clean water supply.

Our systems are built with the highest quality components in the industry and the most advanced technology. 

Learn more about this system on our website.