¿How effective is ozone to disinfect?

Water Treatment

December 21, 2020

¿What is ozone?

It is a powerful oxidant that gives them disinfectant properties against microorganisms as long as they are used in the necessary doses for the necessary time.

¿Is it totally safe to use it?

Claro is completely safe and its use is regulated by its corresponding standard, being its usual application in the purification of water.

Its main advantages are that it does not leave chemical residues and does not impart particular aromas or odors to the final product, as occurs with other disinfectants.

¿How do you disinfect?

Because, by sharing electrons between three atoms, the resulting molecule tends to capture electrons from any compound that comes close to it, which makes it a strong oxidant. Thus, by capturing electrons from other molecules, it oxidizes them until they are destroyed, as long as the ozone concentration and the contact time are sufficient.

¿How effective is it as a disinfectant?

Ozone is highly effective in disinfection against viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa, as well as properties that allow the elimination of bad odors and chemical contamination. This is due to its great oxidizing power.